The Union Brewery Virginia City

A small Unique Bar from the 1800’s rich with History from the Historic Town of Virginia City. Always a Happy Atmosphere where our Patrons will enjoy elbowing up to bar mingling with our wonderful Locals we have Tourists from around the World and if your lucky enough to see a Red Ribbon tied outside you’ll meet some of the towns Silent Riders these Gun toting well dressed Gentleman often honor the Union with their presence as well as on certain occasions the Comstock Canaries will be hiking up their petticoats dancing on the bar and between Patrons to their version of the famous Can Can. No one drinks alone at the Union where our friendly Bartenders host specialty drinks and we have 14 different beers on Tap including our Bottoms up tap system.

The only saloon in Virginia City, NV with 14 different beers on Tap…

The two business partners Dawn and Dan love all their Patrons and love intermingling with their Customers. Don’t be surprised if they join your table for a chat or join you in a darts game.

The Union hosts live music most weekends check our website or face book page for entertainment information.